10/28/2018 at 02:00 PM
Location: Battery Park
Delaware City, DE 19706

Happy Halloween!!

It’s time for the Annual Halloween Parade!

This year, Main Street Delaware City Inc will add the extra dimension of a Spooky Battery Park as our location for the awards ceremony!!  Here are the plans:

Sunday October 28th between 2 pm and 4 pm volunteers are invited to decorate the Gazebo with all matter of ghost and goblins artifacts.  MSDC will provide the direction on where to decorate and some decorations.  Others are invited to bring their own decorations.  We will un-decorate the park on Saturday, so if you wish to keep any decorations, grab them from the park by Friday sunset.

The main event, the Annual Parade is Halloween on Wednesday  October 31, 2018.  Creatures and their handlers can begin to mingle about 5:45 PM in the City Hall Parking lot.  The parade steps off at 6 PM sharp.

Costume judging will occur throughout the parade route (North on Clinton between the City Hall Parking Lot and Battery Park).

Prizes will be awarded in various categories to children and canines!

If anyone has a vehicle or float for the parade, please let me know.

See ya there!